Acute Care
Looking for a manual tasks training course for hospitals, nurses, hospital support staff?
The Acute Care stream works through a range of common situations that may occur to a patient in a hospital. Transfers involving rolling in bed, moving in and out of bed, sitting and standing as well as bed to trolley transfers are taught. The goal is to support the patient while they regain their physical independence. The Work Safety and Health Act and the risk management process are embedded within the theoretical elements of the course, with examples specific to the hospital environment used in the course.
This stream comprises of the Acute Care Basic and the Acute Care Advanced courses. These two courses, each of 4 days duration, and a workplace assessment enable a competent participant to train in their workplace.The Acute Care Basic course focusses on developing safe postures and actions and risk assessment where only one staff member may be required.The Acute Care Advanced course builds on the Acute Care Basic and develops competency when working with a more dependent person and in transfers requiring two staff. Equipment commonly used when working with patients is also used and discussed.
The outcomes for this stream are that the competent participant can:
Describe and demonstrate normal movement and use these principles within a transfer
Apply postures and actions to a variety of manual tasks within the clinical environment
Give and receive feedback according to adult learning principles
Apply work safety and health and risk management within the clinical environment
Demonstrate application of patient care and safety
Give instructions that are clear and precise
Work as part of a team
Do you just need a manual tasks course for people with within the hospital environment, targeted to your workplace, your staff and your needs - not an accredited course?
Customised Courses can be designed to meet your specific workplace needs such as:
Specific units e.g. maternity, orthopaedics
Specific equipment e.g. hoists
Specific work groups e.g. PCAs and nurses
Generic skills required to work in the Acute Care Sector
For further informaiton on the courses available or to find out when the next course is running, please contact Safe Actions.