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Disability Courses

Looking for courses in manual tasks training for support workers, carers, health professionals working in the disability sector, from children to adults?


The Disability Stream addresses a range of disabilities, ages, environments and equipment needs. It compromises of a Disability Basic and a Disability Advanced Course. These two courses, and a workplace assessment enable a competent participant to train within their workplace.The Disability Basic course will focuses on developing safe postures and actions and risk assessment for use with the person who is able to assist with their transfers and requires only one person for assistance.The Disability Advanced course builds upon Disability Basic and develops competency when working with a more dependent person with a disability, in transfers requiring two staff and the use of equipment when working with a person with a disability.




Do you just want a course on manual tasks training for people with disabilities, targeted to your workplace, your staff and your needs - not an accredited course?


Customised Courses can be designed to meet your specific workplace needs such as:

  • Specific age groups e.g. young children through to adults

  • Specific disabilities e.g. cerebral palsy, autism

  • Specific environments e.g. home, respite or school

  • Generic skills required for working in the Disability Sector


For further informaiton on the courses available or to find out when the next course is running, please contact Safe Actions.

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