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Welcome to SafeActions

People Handling

Courses specific to acute care, aged care and disability sectors ranging from short courses to train the trainer qualifications. Course content can be customised to your workplace and training needs.

SafeActions primary focus on risk management as applied to manual tasks across multiple job roles and environments means an understanding of the postures and actions, equipment, system demands, fatigue and stress on the workforce and future demographic demands of an ageing population and individuals with obesity are included in any suggested stategy. With its specialisation and concentration on the area of manual tasks, and its passion for creating sustainable change, SafeActions brings an energy and enthusiasm for real solutions that can be implemented in the workplace without compromising adherence to best practice.
Work Health and Safety underpins all training, drawing attention to the prevention / reduction of risks and managementusing the highest level of control strategies possible. The Manutention based skills training component ensures that the employee has self protective behaviours when they use their body to move a load, a person or interact with equipment.

Let us help you with accredited training or customised services to suit you and your workforce, and help reduce the risk in performing manual tasks today.
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